Ringwood Venue Hire
Post date: Sep 26, 2014 1:34:43 AM
Our google ranking has been sinking. If anyone would like to help moving it up, please let me know.
Our goal would be to obtain results for phrases such as Ringwood Venue hire, Ringwood Hall Hire or even Melbourne Eastern Suburbs hall hire. At the moment, we are not being returned for relevant searches and results that are being returned would not be very helpful for google users.
I'm going to do a lot of work over the coming months to see if I can get our ranking up for Ringwood Hall Hire. We are currently on page three for results for our core activity, hiring the hall. We need to do better on this.
However, for Ringwood Masonic Centre, we are getting the top spot with site links.., I guess that's something.
Contact me if you are willing to offer no cost help to solve this problem. And I mean, NO COST !